First power-on test

In this step you will verify the power-on process. This will provide valuable information to identify faulty components and troubleshooting your system.

To do so, you will inspect the messages sent from Fenix Autopilot to your computer through Serial I/F (USB cable) using Putty installed in your computer.


PuTTY is a free (MIT-licensed) Windows Telnet client to communicate your computer with Fenix Autopilot through USB cable.

Configuration parameters in Putty

  • Session
    • Serial line: COM#
    • Speed: 9600
    • Connection type: Serial
  • Terminal
      • Implicit CR in every LF
      • Implicit LF in every CR
    • Local echo: Force on
    • Local line editing: Force on
  • Window
    • Selection
      • Auto-copy selected text to system clipboard
        • Mouse paste action: System clipboard
  • Connection
    • Serial
      • Serial line to connect to: COM#
      • Speed: 9600
      • Data bits: 8
      • Stop bits: 1
      • Parity: None
      • Flow control: RTS/CTS

# is the COM port number where Autopilot is connected. If you don’t know the value, try numbers sequencialy starting from 1.exit: Ctrl+↩

It is recommended to Save Session to ease recovery of settings at the begining of each session.‌

Explanation of a typical Fenix set-up process

DEBUG int… StartedDebugging messages will be displayed, additional to NMEA
Serial DEBUG PORT on NeoSerial
NMEA int… StartedNMEA messaging activated, integration with OpenCPN is available
Serial NMEA device on NeoSerial
Dm = 2.50Magnetic deviation value
Bluetooth int… StartedBluetooth I/F with Fenix App available
Serial BT device on NeoSerial1
Supports Fenix App v.2.0 and V.2.1Fenix App release compatibility
Fenix Autopilot: v.2.1.B1Fenix autopilot SW release
Buzzer test on PIN 66 …Buzzer will be activated to allow user checking it is working
EEPROM V2Reading non volatile memory for Installation and PID parameters
!WARNING: Could not load PID parameters: Restoring default.If parameters are not found, default values will be used
Linear actuator… Started
Feedback test on PIN A8 …Linear actuator is activated to allow user checking if it is working
Feedback status: 654 (L:777, min:126, Max:903)Linear actuator calibration values: potenciometer value, lenght, min. position, Max.position
Rudder parameters: Ratio: 1.32Ratio between rudder degrees and potenciometer values
Rudder status: 181 (min:-512, C:0, Max:511)Based on linear actuator calibration values: rudder angle, min angle, max. angle
Checking feedback error. It may take a few seconds…Ok.Self-check of linear actuator measurement error. Ensure linear actuator is plugged and powered.
Feedback error: 3 (Max:4)Errors over the Max value may indicate problems in linear actuator power or wiring.
IMU int… Started
HW: BNO055
ReqCal: 0
IMU Sensor ID: 55IMU Id. identified
!Found Calibration data…If calibration data is not found, execute Compass calibration and SAVE!
Accelerometer: x:20034, y:12367, z:13621
Gyro: x:0, y:0, z:0
Mag: x:1, y:0, z:55
Accel Radius: 0
Mag Radius: 3
StartSet-up process succeeded!
IMU Calibration: Minimum.
Calibrated! OkIMU calibrated
Move slightly to start receiving IMU dataBNO055 requires minimum movement to calibrate magnetometer
$APHDG,312.6,,,2.5,E*32Start of NMEA messages transmission