In this step you will verify the power-on process. This will provide valuable information to identify faulty components and troubleshooting your system.
To do so, you will inspect the messages sent from Fenix Autopilot to your computer through Serial I/F (USB cable) using Putty installed in your computer.
PuTTY is a free (MIT-licensed) Windows Telnet client to communicate your computer with Fenix Autopilot through USB cable.
Configuration parameters in Putty
- Session
- Serial line: COM#
- Speed: 9600
- Connection type: Serial
- Terminal
- Implicit CR in every LF
- Implicit LF in every CR
- Local echo: Force on
- Local line editing: Force on
- Window
- Selection
- Auto-copy selected text to system clipboard
- Mouse paste action: System clipboard
- Auto-copy selected text to system clipboard
- Selection
- Connection
- Serial
- Serial line to connect to: COM#
- Speed: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bits: 1
- Parity: None
- Flow control: RTS/CTS
- Serial
# is the COM port number where Autopilot is connected. If you don’t know the value, try numbers sequencialy starting from 1.exit: Ctrl+↩
It is recommended to Save Session to ease recovery of settings at the begining of each session.
Explanation of a typical Fenix set-up process
DEBUG int… Started | Debugging messages will be displayed, additional to NMEA |
Serial DEBUG PORT on NeoSerial | |
NMEA int… Started | NMEA messaging activated, integration with OpenCPN is available |
Serial NMEA device on NeoSerial | |
Dm = 2.50 | Magnetic deviation value |
Bluetooth int… Started | Bluetooth I/F with Fenix App available |
Serial BT device on NeoSerial1 | |
Supports Fenix App v.2.0 and V.2.1 | Fenix App release compatibility |
Fenix Autopilot: v.2.1.B1 | Fenix autopilot SW release |
Buzzer test on PIN 66 … | Buzzer will be activated to allow user checking it is working |
!INFORMATION Code: 2 | |
EEPROM V2 | Reading non volatile memory for Installation and PID parameters |
!WARNING: Could not load PID parameters: Restoring default. | If parameters are not found, default values will be used |
!INFORMATION Code: 4 | |
Linear actuator… Started | |
PWM,DIR=6,7 | |
Feedback test on PIN A8 … | Linear actuator is activated to allow user checking if it is working |
Feedback status: 654 (L:777, min:126, Max:903) | Linear actuator calibration values: potenciometer value, lenght, min. position, Max.position |
Rudder parameters: Ratio: 1.32 | Ratio between rudder degrees and potenciometer values |
Rudder status: 181 (min:-512, C:0, Max:511) | Based on linear actuator calibration values: rudder angle, min angle, max. angle |
Checking feedback error. It may take a few seconds…Ok. | Self-check of linear actuator measurement error. Ensure linear actuator is plugged and powered. |
Feedback error: 3 (Max:4) | Errors over the Max value may indicate problems in linear actuator power or wiring. |
IMU int… Started | |
HW: BNO055 | |
SDA,SCL=20,21 | |
ReqCal: 0 | |
IMU Sensor ID: 55 | IMU Id. identified |
!Found Calibration data… | If calibration data is not found, execute Compass calibration and SAVE! |
Accelerometer: x:20034, y:12367, z:13621 | |
Gyro: x:0, y:0, z:0 | |
Mag: x:1, y:0, z:55 | |
Accel Radius: 0 | |
Mag Radius: 3 | |
!INFORMATION Code: 0 | |
Start | Set-up process succeeded! |
IMU Calibration: Minimum. | |
Calibrated! Ok | IMU calibrated |
Move slightly to start receiving IMU data | BNO055 requires minimum movement to calibrate magnetometer |
$APHDG,312.6,,,2.5,E*32 | Start of NMEA messages transmission |
$APHDM,312.6,M*35 | |
$APRSA,18.30,A,,*34 | |
$APHDG,312.6,,,2.5,E*32 |